NOTE: If you are not sure of the difference between 1mm and 1.5mm kits, or which your kit is, check our 1mm vs 1.5mm FAQ page, or contact us! Do not assume just because you have a Yugo or Romanian kit it is 1.5mm.
One common source of confusion is with choosing a 1.5mm receiver for an RPK build.
Yugo and Romanian or Russian RPKs are not the same, and require different receivers due to some differences. The most visible difference is the stock cut - the angle and exact cut shape is different, and visible here.
A closer look clearly shows the differing rear stock cut angles and cut. The Yugo has a slanted back cut for its unique rear trunnion and stock, while the Russian and Romanian RPKs have a vertical rear back, like most other AKs.
If you are building your Yugo with an original rear trunnion and stock, you will want the Yugo RPK receiver. If you are using a different rear trunnion with your Yugo, you will want the Russian/Romanian RPK receiver.
Additionally, the position for the selector notches are different - the Yugo guns used a shorter selector lever, requiring notches far closer to the rear, and thus a Yugo lever will not work with Romanian or other lever notches and vise versa. We offer Yugo selector notches on Russ/Romanian RPK receivers for those building Yugos with different rear trunnions as mentioned.
Yugo RPK 1.5mm Receiver Listing
Russian/Romanian RPK 1.5mm Receiver Listing
Yugo RPK 1.5mm Receiver Listing
Russian/Romanian RPK 1.5mm Receiver Listing